LinkedIn Summary Examples to Attract More Leads

Want to create a comprehensive LinkedIn profile? 

Are you looking forward to getting noticed by your targeted leads? 

If yes! Then creating a LinkedIn profile summary is key to attracting more leads or ideal clients to your business. 

With over 810 million registered users and 12 million members, 49 million people search for jobs on LinkedIn. This network continuously increases, and almost six people are hired every minute. Due to this, you can understand why businesses, job seekers, and marketers embrace LinkedIn.

Source: LinkedIn

Yet, LinkedIn is the professional networking platform for your goals and helps industries expand their reach globally. It is always easy to find the perfect niche on this platform. Creating a LinkedIn profile allows you to position yourself among the ideals for your industry.

However, your LinkedIn profile is considered the billboard. Therefore, it certainly enhances the probability of being spotted among the right business ventures. In this regard, creating a captivating LinkedIn summary will surely help you to achieve a high ranking among peers in your industry.

If you want to know precisely the LinkedIn summary and how to write a good LinkedIn summary, then here you go!

What Is a LinkedIn Summary?

Your LinkedIn Summary tells everything about who you are, achievements, your career journey, and company products & services. 

A LinkedIn summary is considered the most influential business card. It gives you a chance to talk about yourself. However, the information set appears at the top of the LinkedIn profile and allows your audience to engage with the targeted audience.

Simply put, it is an open-ended text box that allows you to play with 2,000 characters. Here you will allow writing, editing, and rewriting information at any point. It is the first thing individuals view on your profile, and watch out for your personal information and portrait.

In short, a LinkedIn summary is;

▪ An idea about who you are

▪ A short-form of cover letter

▪ The first thing a person checks out when he visits your profile

▪ An intro about a human, not related to a brand

Let’s read how to write an effective and compelling summary.

How To Write A Good LinkedIn Summary?

LinkedIn summary as an elevator pitch

Your LinkedIn summary is your elevator pitch that captures the attention of your targeted customers. And it tells your customers who you are and what your brand products and services are. So, a strong LinkedIn summary allows you to land jobs and the right clientele to generate more leads, whether you are a brand owner or a job seeker.

As per the research, 51% of American college graduates use LinkedIn. If your target audience is highly educated, showing yourself on LinkedIn is crucial. Whether you have B2B online business or a small online clothing store, this social platform is the most aesthetic equipment to convince potential customers to attach to your business..

A simple formula to create a LinkedIn summary

You must follow a problem-solving approach to create the best LinkedIn summary to attract more leads.

✔ Make your summary free from unnecessary buzzwords and clichés.

✔ It must be concise and clear

✔ Your summary must follow the introductory sentences

✔ Talk about what you do

✔ Shows past achievements

✔ Shows off your abilities, skills, and expertise

✔ Share what you love to do

Show how passionate you are

Whether your LinkedIn profile is about yourself or to represent your brand services, it is essential to show how passionate you are about work and your opinions about your market and tell why your clients need to choose you.

So, let people know they are in good hands, and you are helping them bring their business to the highest level.

Never add buzzwords

Remember that buzzwords are cliché and annoying and do not add value to your summary. Try to make the summary values and steer clear. Do not make it buzzwordy. You can use optimization tools to determine which keywords to include in your summary.

Create compelling sentences 

To create an impressive image, you need to make a solid first impression by creating more influencing and captivating sentences that will help to engage readers. For this, think about what people want to know about you. For example, what measures do you take for your company’s success? What is your opinion related to the latest tech advancements? What is your best achievement? Did the strategies you create help to earn more revenue?

Try to craft strong statements related to such questions and keep your tone natural.

Use a maximum of 40 words

This is the minimum requirement for your summary to appear on LinkedIn searches. Do not try to write novels within your summary. Instead, keep your LinkedIn summary concise, short, and precise. Making a few sentences in a beautiful tone will be enough.

Show metrics

Make sure you add some relevant data in summary, such as; showing them how much sales increased with the company you worked with and showing such stats in numeric. This is essential in businesses that are goal oriented such as if you are trying to become an estate agent and you’re applying for a role.

Use a call to action 

The last of your LinkedIn summary must include a call to action (CTA) to attract more leads. Let them know they can connect with you for a problem-solving approach or discuss business activities.

Talk in a natural tone 

LinkedIn is not an academic research platform, but it is the social media platform with the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate of about 2.74%, almost 2.77% higher than Facebook (.77%) and Twitter (.69%).


So, do not try to use complicated sentences or avoid using archaic terms and complex language. Instead, keep your tone simple and highly impactful.

Use short paragraphs (add white spaces)

If you write more than two to three sentences, add lots of white space to make things easier to understand for readers. This will help them quickly glance over the summary and understand what services you are talking about.

Show your personality

Another thing you need to consider is to let people know you are a real person, not a brand or soulless salesperson who only thinks the profit is nothing more than that. Bear in mind humanizing yourself will help to bring more customers and potential leads. Show them you will love to do it and you are not a corporate robot.

However, a LinkedIn summary is the perfect way to show yourself as unique and stand out among your rivals. It is the most critical way to make strong connections and an excellent opportunity to show your first impression.

Advice to consider For LinkedIn Summary:

Ensure you know what you need to include and what you shouldn’t.

Top LinkedIn Summary Bios Examples To Attract Leads

Yet, a LinkedIn summary is only a 30 seconds cover letter that creates a high impact in the mind of prospects. It creates an intriguing and inspirational effect that motivates readers to contact and respond to your message.

Here are some examples of the most creative and top LinkedIn summaries of people that perfectly represent themselves on social media platforms.

▪ Koray Serin, Creative strategist at Facebook 

▪ Shauna Upton, Digital marketing manager at LinkedIn

▪ Jonah Silberg, Sales Manager and Video Strategist at Wistia

▪ Stephen McSweeney, Digital Marketing Manager at the Kellogg Company 

▪ Brynn Johnson, Founder & Conversion copywriter at Swandive Co.

▪ Fernando Moura-Silva, enterprise Account executive at Vimeo

▪ Manan Javeri, director at Flexport | at Uber | at Mckinsey            

→    Koray Serin, Creative strategist at Facebook 

Koray Serin has done great with his opening statement. He listed his critical strengths in points to explain who he is and what he is doing. He even mentions he believes in the magic of creativity. He clearly stated what he does, his specialties, and how he operates. His LinkedIn summary section skillfully appeals to the brand through effective communication.

→    Shauna Upton, Digital marketing manager at LinkedIn

Shauna is working as the Digital Marketing Manager at LinkedIn. She amazingly designed his summary clearly and concisely. In her opening statement, she mentions her expertise and skills as a digital marketer. Her LinkedIn summary indicates she specializes in Information technology and the Service industry. She lists her skills, including Microsoft Suite, Digital Marketing, and others.

→    Jonah Silberg, Sales Manager and Video Strategist at Wistia

Jonah Silberg is the senior sales manager at Wistia. He has focused on making every word count simple. One of the best things about his profile is that he immediately gets to the point and talks about his mission. It even mentions his viewpoints to help businesses most comprehensively. The last two sentences show who he is. One of the most beautiful things about his LinkedIn Summary is adding a video to introduce yourself within minutes.

→    Stephen McSweeney, Digital Marketing Manager at the Kellogg Company 

Stephan McSweeney is the digital marketing manager at the Kellogg Company. The most beautiful thing in his LinkedIn summary is he uses the extensive keyword in his opening statement related to food manufacturers. In his profile, he used keywords that include digital marketing, conversion rate optimization, Google certification, online content creation, etc. When the client searches these terms, his profile appears on the top surface.

→    Brynn Johnson, Founder & Conversion copywriter at Swandive Co.

Brynn’s LinkedIn profile is great for capturing the lead’s attention. She uses most of the space and adds funny statements in the headline. She tries to keep the first sentences catchy, powerful, and short. Her opening statement is full of witty marks that keep the readers engaged. Her LinkedIn summary develops the mindset of her customers that they will receive a human approach to their content.

→     Fernando Moura-Silva, enterprise Account executive at Vimeo

Fernando M. B. Silva follows the creative approach for his LinkedIn Summary. He started his opening statement by talking about himself. It is an excellent tactic that his profile visitors watch, and it even shows what they have in common. It makes clients more approachable. He precisely describes his passion, experiences, problem-solving approaches, and driving growth. That is the most important thing the customer needs.

→    Manan Javeri, director at Flexport | at Uber | at Mckinsey 

Manan is another person who currently manages the growth & competition to keep things manageable, simple, and effective. He even mentions in his LinkedIn summary what drives him, what he does, and his working experience in only three sentences. The best thing about his summary is that it is to the point, engages the readers, and does not waste their time reading unnecessary information. His summary lets people know that he loves to grow businesses.

5 Traits To Create the Best LinkedIn Summary

Some of the most comprehensive LinkedIn Summary examples were presented above. Still, many people face problems when creating the best LinkedIn Summary; even the top professionals over-explain the bios and paint the picture in detail.

Keep in mind that most people avoid reading long texts, and your targeted clients do not have enough time to read the unpublished novel, which means your career history.

So, here you read the top traits to create the best LinkedIn Summary in no time. Next, you must focus on the elevator pitch to create the LinkedIn summary to attract leads. You only have twenty to thirty seconds to demonstrate who you are and how you can help your targeted leads.

Create a good background

LinkedIn background depends on the industry, you belong to. So, you can add images to show off your previous work and background to develop a presentable brand image.

Have professional headshot

A professional headshot is another excellent item to add to your LinkedIn Profile. Your headline is the first thing your visitors see. So, try to make it captivating and straightforward using a few words. Do not make it complicated by using buzzwords.

Talk a bit about experiences & expertise 

Speak about past activities to show to your targeted customers and leads. Valuable content helps in achieving your goals and expanding your company.

Do use keywords

Create an optimized summary using appropriate keywords in your LinkedIn summary. It helps to attract potential leads to your profile.

Don’t use jargon 

Avoid using technical words and terms. Instead, use straightforward language to give instant reviews about your services.

To Wrap Up The Things

To get more leads, you must create the most creative LinkedIn summary and discuss yourself and your skills to attract prospective customers.